Here’s a rundown of CIX this week:
As Net Neutrality issues popped up on both sides of the pond, CIXen discussed the various differences in the system we have in the UK and the one our American friends have in the States. Their system allows has created a near monopoly of the last-mile of internet services, meaning users can have prices hiked in order to receive premium, or even generic, services.
Our sister company ICUK has also blogged on this issue:
Debated on: cixforums:internet/16general:2393
Is misogyny on the rise? Following the BBC documentary by Kirsty Wark, CIXen debated whether misogyny is indeed comparatively more of a problem now. The rise of social media has certainly brought more to light than may have been known before and can give the appearance of a rise where there is not one. CIXen also considered whether cultural changes meant society had become used to something and therefore the next generation had to be even more shocking than the last in order to get a response.
Find this on: cixforums:sasha_lubetkin/3controversy:9382
Vintage footage was shared in pointers this week, including a live instant coffee advert from 1953 and a pre-war BBC television compilation. The compilation, from 1938, is considered the earliest example of pre-war live high definition television – though it may not match up to our HD standards!
More here: cixforums:pointers/5www:4160 and here: cixforums:pointers/5www:4159
CeX, the gadget trading store of a very similar name, announced it would accepting bitcoin for three days this month to highlight the pressing issues around Scottish independence and currency. The Glasgow store hopes to show that they could go without the pound and it wouldn’t be a hindrance to the country.
Keep the debate going: cixforums:bitcoin/general:398
Resident CIX tech journalist Wendy Grossman published her latest piece entitled ‘The Cost of Surveillance’ through CIX, and you can read it on: cixforums:wendyg.public/articles.103.
Our sister company ICUK scooped an award at the Croydon Business Awards this week! The team won Best Customer Service and were also Highly Commended for Commitment to the Community.
Read more on the ICUK blog:
A few CIX jokes:
At breakfast….
A husband says to his wife, ‘What would you do if I won the Lotto?’
‘I’d take half, and leave you’, she says.
‘Great’, he says…. ‘Here’s six dollars….. I won twelve dollars
yesterday. Stay in touch.’
I got a letter from the Origami Association this morning.
I don’t know what to make of it.
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