CIX is pleased to release the Ameol Off Line Reader forums, mail and news client for Windows under the Apache Open-Source licence.
This will allow anyone to download, view, modify and edit the source
code accordingly. In line with this, a new forum has been created -
cix:ameol_dev for discussion and FAQs.
Support will be limited from CIX staff.
CIX will be using the GitHub repository, and the page can be found at
CIX will continue to support and update Ameol as needed and with
contributions from the open source community, but we are concentrating on new software; we have already released CIXReader for Windows which is proving very popular among existing and new users, with a view to taking this to other platforms in the near future.
For further discussion, please see cix:ameol_dev
The CIX Team
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