Here’s what’s been going on this week in CIX:
Would Nigel Evans have been entitled to legal aid? Should his costs be reimbursed now that he’s been acquitted? What would have happened to a poorer man in his situation? CIXens debated the ins and outs of the Nigel Evans case and his sudden change in support for legal aid when he needed it most.
The debate continues on: cix:law/3crimial:349
New gTLDs have been launched this week to mixed reviews on CIX. Though some CIXens have already purchased a name or two, others aren’t convinced they’ll serve any real purpose. Speculation that many people google the address and never learn the domain name extension could make the new domains relatively pointless.
As seen on: cix:photo/12general:1391
Legal themes dominated many discussions over the week, as workers questioned whether their employer should have hired them without finances to pay them, and landlords questioned their right to keys. Help and advice with legal issues is always needed on CIX, where a workaround is the best solution for most!
As seen on: cix:landlords/general2:4159 and cix:enquire_within/9legal:1404
The Guardian are said to be setting up a newspaper which draws content using algorithms and social media. Is this the death of good journalism? Many felt that the recycled nature of journalism would only continue if the majority of stories were found by analysis of twitter trends and by rehashing the MailOnline’s content. And, of course, it’s harder to complain about the Guardianistas…
Reporting straight from: cix:enquire_within/61discussion:8796
Jokes of the week:
Apparently the US flag on the moon has been bleached white by the sun. so if aliens visit us they’ll assume the French landed there.
Why are there no aspirin in the jungle?
Because, there isn’t a sufficient customer base to support the infrastructure required to sell pharmaceuticals.
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