May 22
Single Tax Rate Of 30%
Posted in enquire_within / 56discussion
Discuss. http://www…. A single 30% rate of income tax is needed in order to boost growth in the UK, a report by lobbying groups says. The 2020 Tax Commission’s report also calls for the abolition of national in…
22 replies
22 replies
Posted in francophile / 03_general
breathalyse… whats this i just read whereby one has to have a breathalyser in ones car when passing thru france? april 1st? http://www….
31 replies
31 replies
germinated some tomato seeds back in March in a general-pur… compost, and they grew to about 3″ and then just stopped. They look healthy enough and there are a few roots coming out of the bottom of the pots, but they are going nowhere fast. This…
43 replies
So You Think You Have Enough RAM….
So you think you have enough RAM…. My 2009 Mac Pro has had 16GB RAM from the beginning (8x 2GB). I have just fitted 32GB (4x 8GB) and it is noticeably snappier! Activity Monitor shows 11.15GB free and no Swap used…..
65 replies
There’s been some robust debate in here about DRM on ebooks, the legality and morality of removing it. I have already stated that I remove DRM from ebooks (purely for my own use), simply because I have been caught twice already by two different …
177 replies
Spring Is Here!
Posted in sasha_lubetkin / 11chatterbox
Spring is here! S-p-p-ring is here! Life is skittles, and life is beer! I think the happiest time of the year is the Spring, I do. Don’t you? ‘Course you do! Andy/
91 replies
I am a newcomer to ebooks and started with a Kindle. I am having what seems to me a rather odd experience. I live part year in Spain and like to readSpanish books to improve my vocabulary. So I bought from a Spanish version of an englis…
106 replies
Will Self On Human Rights.
Posted in sasha_lubetkin /
“I only throw this proposition out in a spirit of humane enquiry – could it be that human rights simply don’t exist? After all, in my understandi… it’s difficult to conceive of a person’s rights as obtaining at all unless an effective sanction …
126 replies
I’ve just moved a laptop and a desktop from XP to W7 and I’m already pissed off at being told that I don’t have permission to do things that I want to do with and to my computer, despite my account having administrat… privileges. Assuming tha…
191 replies
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